Price: $19.95
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  • Exellent for Colon health
  • Recommended to by used with the Hair Growth Detox Tea
  • Provide Bentonit Clay and Psyllium Husks in Liquid Form

With 8 years of experience with liver and kidney cleansing, Evolution Hair Loss Institute has proven that toxins impact hair growth. At Advanced Trichology we understand that unless are toxins removed, no amount or kinds of drugs, operations, vitamins, or food supplements (including ours) will completely rid the body of all chronic ailments and long term hair loss. Therefore, the most important procedure directed towards regaining Your Health is the complete and thorough cleansing.

Why do we use it?

Sonnie 7 is a natural and powerful detoxicant derived from bentonite, a mineral-rich volcanic clay. This product works synergistically with the Advanced Trichology Detoxify Tea by preventing toxins excreted from the liver and kidneys from being reabsorbed back into the body through the small intestine and the alimentary canal. In findings from Evolution Hair Loss Institute, this product can help reduce shedding or accelerate proper hair growth by decreasing the toxic load on the body.


Take 2 doses per day. The first one in warm water upon rising in the morning; the other undiluted at time of evening meal. It is important to drink plenty of water between meals to assist in elimination. It can also be taken in conjunction with Advanced Trichology Detoxify Tea. May be taken as long as desired, but is usually only recommended for the 1st month of the Evolution Program.

Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews:
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Works great

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
This is a cool product- it isn't great tasting, but is doable. After reading about it I ordered it and think it really made a difference in how I was feeling.